Saturday, June 23, 2012

A love and Hate relationship.

Neena had an arranged marriage when she was barely 22. The clinching factor was that Akash, her husband was in a MNC and was in a highly rewarding job. Her family felt that this match was perfect.

Soon after her wedding, the emotional abuse started, within 3 months of their marriage. If anything went against the way Akash wanted it,there would be an argument,followed by abuses. It was just in 6 month of marriage when he hit her for the first time. At first she thought she might have provoked him, So she thought to overlook the incident. but it happened again a few days later, and this time without any reason. Akash was drunk and he kicked neena black and blue. Everytime this would happen and Akash would apologise repeatedly. For some days after the incidents he would pamper her with words of apology.

But then again the violence would start suddenly for some or other reasons. Neena didn't tell her parents about the behaviour of akash as we all know generally what our parents would suggest "Beta, try to adjust". thng. which is the most common sentence in our Indian Society, regarding their married daughters.

But do u think neena should adjust for irrational and violent behaviour of Akash?
Do u think, she should continue her marriage with such a person?
and above all being educated and cultured , does this behaviour of husbands like akash is right?

On and Of Marital Abuse

  On and Of Marital abuse is about the women like Neena, who for the sake of their family and society tolerate abuses silently.


 They do have life,they are entitled to live freely with due respect. its time to reboot your life It is not only case with Neena - a simple young house wife, who is not financially independent. but also case with many working women too, who are a victim of marital abuse. "She is Smart, Educated, and Self Sufficient- yet she lets her husband kick and slap her almost daily,never saying a word about it to anyone. This could be U. and if you are,its high time to reboot your life". Kajal,35,who works in a multinational organisation in Mumbai, got married to Rahul,who used to work in the same organization. After 5 years of courtship they decided to get married. After her marriage to Rahul, she tasted her first abuse within a month of their marriage when Rahul slapped her hard over a trivial issue, discussing something regarding financial management. she found it very difficult to accept that this was the same man she had known for five years, a man who was otherwise caring, sensitive and funny.... The violence continued over the years,and kajal endured it not telling to her parents. Both Rahul and Kajal were in good jobs. Their lives went on this way,but the abuse grew day by day making life hell for Kajal.. Did she never think of leaving Rahul? She says" I could not leave coz it was i who had chosen to marry Rahul." beside she has a daughter too.. Why do women like Kajal,educated, smart, self sufficient,able to earn more than enough, stick to husbands who are physically abusive?