Wednesday, December 21, 2011

friends with benefit: on casual sex

Casual sex: Casual sex or hooking up refers to certain types of human sexual activity outside the context of a romantic relationship. The term is not always used consistently:some use it to refer to sex in a casual relationship, whereas others reserve its use for one-time encounters, promiscuity, or to refer to sex in the absence of emotional attachment or love...

If someone willingly boycotted the 'Commitments-cum-Expectations' camp long back, 'Friends with Benefits' (FWBs) or casual sex is thing one is looking for.

For this frame of reference, this fad defines a mutually beneficial relationship between two person who indulge in casual sex with no bonds or expectations involved. In an age when all that people think of is adding digits to their bank balance, this trend has become quite a rage. Commitment might have taken a backseat but the desire for pleasure never will.

As long as it is safe, and mutual,casual sex is no harm to such persons who dont want themselves to bind in commitments and emotions. who knows such relationship can help in meeting soul mates for life!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I’ll let go of you before you destroy me.

"Relationship" perhaps the most tricky thing to handle. Most trickiest if its intimate.

people try hard to maintain their relationship, knowing that its not at all working between them.. they dont want to hurt their loved ones feelings. fair enough!!!!
Many people face a situation in their lives where their relationship is neither moving forward nor behind. its the time to think either to renew the spark in relationship or to walk away!!!

To renew that old lost spark is something that should be both sided. one sided efforts wont bear sweet fruits!!! its a mutual thing.done keeping in mind what ur partner wants from u.

TO walk away is the most simplest thing. when u r sure its not working between u and wont ever work. its always better to get of a relationship where u tend to break off of urserlf other than the person...get out of a meaningless relationship before it destroys u. break it before it tears u off

its always better to "I’ll let go of you before you destroy me." always better to break a relationship before it starts to break u off..
but stl u cant just break it off that way. one should try to renew that old spark in relationship and try to maintain it.

I’ll let go of you before you destroy me.

"Relationship" perhaps the most tricky thing to handle. Most trickiest if its intimate.

people try hard to maintain their relationship, knowing that its not at all working between them.. they dont want to hurt their loved ones feelings. fair enough!!!!
Many people face a situation in their lives where their relationship is neither moving forward nor behind. its the time to think either to renew the spark in relationship or to walk away!!!

To renew that old lost spark is something that should be both sided. one sided efforts wont bear sweet fruits!!! its a mutual thing.done keeping in mind what ur partner wants from u.

TO walk away is the most simplest thing. when u r sure its not working between u and wont ever work. its always better to get of a relationship where u tend to break off of urserlf other than the person...get out of a meaningless relationship before it destroys u. break it before it tears u off

its always better to "I’ll let go of you before you destroy me." always better to break a relationship before it starts to break u off

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Ex Factor

Everyone has a past relationship.. Everyone of us has cherished our past relationships...

I had my first serious relationship in school(i was 15 then),when all my insecurities came to a head. My ex-boyfriend had to juggle multiple roles, from therapist to cheerleader to babysitter.
The whole relationship revolved around holding me up. I realized this soon after it ended—that I spent eight years expecting someone else to love me when I didn’t love myself. Long after I let go of the man, feelings about the relationship held me back. I was afraid of being vulnerable. I was afraid of being hurt. But mostly I was afraid of hurting someone else again and having to live with that...

Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means moving on. It is one of the hardest things a person can do. Starting at birth, we grasp on to anything we can get our hands on, and hold on as if we will cease to exist when we let go. We feel that letting go is giving up, quitting, and that as we all know is cowardly. But as we grow older we are forced to change our way of thinking. We are forced to realize that letting go means accepting things that cannot be. It means maturing and moving on, no matter how hard you have to fight yourself to do so.

N i am happy i let him go, i am happy i found myself,and i realized letting him go made me know what kind of person i wanted in my life. and now i am happy to have what i wanted ...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The flavor of affluence or abundance is everlasting. Even the owner cannot describe in a true sense what it means or rather meant to him/her. Perhaps, the skills and intelligence are the vital, but compelling factors to be, what u may term as, A SUCCESSFUL. Another critical constituent but crucial element is the state of mind u acquire in due course of ur life's vivid experiences u gain and hone ur skills as barefaced, ready 2 learn, no matter how BIG UR MAGNITUDE IS, it is an ever-learning curve dear.

Now there comes the negative aspect. Sometimes, complacence of rank or capaciousness overshadows what u had attained. It is a thin margin, which will cause skewing of ur graph. Self-satisfaction is all the more necessary to put a period on ur growing greed, but hunger should be 4 the betterment of not only u, but the organization called OUR SOCIETY, posing huge openings for all of our people.

So, guys, buck up and summon ur spirits to attain the unreachable heights, perhaps that is what the demand of time is

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Portrait

A portrait never speaks..
It may smile.
A silent smile,
Silent as dense dark,
yet what a joy it carries!!!

Feel some flash sometime.
This light brings in
an ecstatic feeling in the inner
chamber of brain....

Suddenly,I feel,this smile
Speaks too.
But alas!!
Portrait is a portrait only!