Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I’ll let go of you before you destroy me.

"Relationship" perhaps the most tricky thing to handle. Most trickiest if its intimate.

people try hard to maintain their relationship, knowing that its not at all working between them.. they dont want to hurt their loved ones feelings. fair enough!!!!
Many people face a situation in their lives where their relationship is neither moving forward nor behind. its the time to think either to renew the spark in relationship or to walk away!!!

To renew that old lost spark is something that should be both sided. one sided efforts wont bear sweet fruits!!! its a mutual thing.done keeping in mind what ur partner wants from u.

TO walk away is the most simplest thing. when u r sure its not working between u and wont ever work. its always better to get of a relationship where u tend to break off of urserlf other than the person...get out of a meaningless relationship before it destroys u. break it before it tears u off

its always better to "I’ll let go of you before you destroy me." always better to break a relationship before it starts to break u off

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